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Le Grand Chase

"Le Grand Chase"

Instruments: Piano, Percussion, Xylophone, Bari Sax, Tuba, Trumpet, Car Horns

Feel: Action, Bouncy, Humorous

You never notice how effective a car horn is until you use it. I usually park my car near a sidewalk and alarm 7 year olds on their way to and from school. 7 year olds are your target market for this sort of thing. They jump like antelope! All the kids in my neighborhood are acclimatized, now. It isn't as much fun. You also never notice how effective a Picardy third is until you do it with car horns. You're welcome.

ISRC: USUAN1800021
Uploaded: 2019-02-04

166 bpm

Genre: Silent Film Score

Length: 1:41

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Credit this piece by copying the following to your credits section:

Le Grand Chase Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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Complete incompetech mp3 files - $38

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